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Wichita Sculptors Guild, Inc


Membership Requirements

From Bylaws, Article II: Membership

Section 1:

There shall be two types of memberships: 1) the Artist Sculptor and 2) Friends of Sculpture.

Section 2:

Any person who is interested in sculptural art shall be eligible for membership upon asking the secretary or treasurer or president or vice president.

Section 3:

Membership shall not be effective until the treasurer has received the year's dues.

Section 4:

Dues ($20) will be paid in the first quarter of each year.

Section 5:

New members joining after July 1st shall be eligible for a half-membership fee reduction.

Section 6:

All members who participate in the organization 25 years or more shall be entitled to a half-membership fee reduction.

Section 7:

All members shall be entitled to vote at all annual or special meetings.

All art, photos, and text are copyrighted © 2009-2022 by the Wichita Sculptors Guild or the individual artist/gallery/studio/business represented on this web site.

Do not reproduce without written permission.